Strawberry Cheesecake
2c. Graham Cracker Crumbs
1 stick Butter (melted)
2 tbsps Sugar
1 tbsp Vanilla Extract
3 Sticks Cream Cheese (24 oz) (Room temp.)
1 c. Sugar
3 Eggs (Room temp.)
1 c. Heavy Cream
1 tbsp Lemon Juice
1 tbsp Vanilla Extract
Fresh Strawberries
Mint Leaves
Preheat oven to 350F. Begin to boil a large pot of water for the water bath. Mix together the crust ingredients and press into your spring form pan.
Combine cream cheese and sugar in the bowl of a stand-mixer and cream together until smooth. Add eggs, one at a time, fully incorporating each before adding the next. Add heavy cream, vanilla, lemon juice and blend until smooth and creamy.
Pour batter into prepared crust and tap the pan on the counter a few times to bring all air bubbles to the surface. Place pan into a larger pan and pour boiling water into the larger pan until halfway up the side of the cheesecake pan. Cover bottom of your spring form pan securely with foil before adding water.
Bake for about 50 minutes, until it is almost done. You don’t want it to be completely firm at this stage. Close the oven door, turn the heat off, and let rest in the cooling oven for 30 minutes.
Remove the cheesecake from the oven after 30 minutes of cooling. Remove cheesecake from oven and lift carefully out of water bath. Let it finish cooling on the counter, and then cover and put in the fridge to chill. When completely chilled, remove the sides of the spring form pan and leave the bottom part under the cake. Top the cake with fresh strawberry slices and serve.
Pay de Queso con Fresas
1 1/2 tz. Galleta Maria Molida
6 c. Mantequilla (temp. ambiente)
2 pq. Queso Crema (temp. ambiente)
5 Huevos
1 lata Leche Condensada (14 oz)
1/4 tz Leche Evaporada
1/3 tz. Harina
1 c. Jugo Limon
Fresas Frescas (sin talla, cortadas a la mitad)
1/2 tz. Jalea de Fresa (tibia)
Hojas Frescas de menta (decoracion)
Precalienta el horno a 325F
Para la base - Combina la galleta maria molida y la mantequilla en un recipiente hasta que este consistente como una masa. Coloca la masa en un recipiente de 10 pulgadas, presionando hasta cubrir todos los lados hasta que cubra 2 pulgadas de lado.
Para el relleno - Vierte en una licuadora el queso crema, huevos, la leche condensada, la leche evaporada, la harina y el jugo de limon. Licua hasta que quede suave. Vierte la mezcla sobre la base para el pay.
Coloca el recipiente sobre una charola y vierte un poco de agua alrededor. Hornea de 50 a 60 min. hasta que el centro este firme al moverlo. Deja enfriar sobre una parrilla y refrigera hasta que este completamente frio. Decora con las fresas, desde las orillas hacia el centro. Bamizalo con la jalea de fresa. Decora con las hojas de menta.
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