Feb 8, 2011

Simple Appetizer: Cucumber Dip

Cucumber Dip

250gr Cream Cheese (Philadelphia)
1 cup Grated Cucumber
1/2 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tbsp Chopped garlic
Salt and Pepper
1 pck. crackers

Combine the cream cheese with the cucumber until it has a uniform texture. Add the lemon juice, the chopped garlic, salt and pepper to the mixture. Serve the mixture in a serving plate and add the crackers.
Dip de Pepino

250gr. Queso crema (Philadelphia)
1 tza. Pepino rallado
1/2 c. Jugo de Limon
1/2 c. Ajo picado finamente
Sal y Pimienta
1 pq. Galletas (ej. Ritz)

Combina el queso crema con el pepino rallado hasta conseguir una mezcla homogenea. Agrea el jugo de limon, el ajo picado, sal y pimienta a la mezcla. Sirve en un plato con las galletas.


  1. Definitely going to try this one!
    thank you for all the good tips!

  2. You are welcome!
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